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Fraud and workers compensation in canada

While there are many honest employees who truly need and deserve workers compensation, from time to time an employee filling out those workers compensation forms may not be honest. How do you know if your employee is engaging in fraud? Well it can be hard to determine at first, but here are a few warning signs that your employee may be getting workers compensation fraud unfairly thanks to an ugly case of fraud.

Workers Compensation Forms: Is Your Employee’s Claim Legitimate?

Proving workers compensation fraud can be difficult but there could be signs indicating that your current or former employee is acting unscrupulously if you know what you’re looking for as the employer. The following behaviors may indicate that your employee’s workers compensation in Canada claim is bogus. Document any of these behaviors and signs appropriately:

  • Conflict: Does your employee recount the accident one way but the medical report or doctor’s version of events seem different? Ask yourself why?
  • Knock, Knock, Who’s There: Whenever you try to reach the employee at hand he or she just happens to be unavailable or slow to respond to emails? That’s fishy.
  • Monday Morning Report: if your employee is claiming an injury on a Monday morning or saying the matter happened on Friday late in the afternoon yet doesn’t come to report it until Monday…this may be suspicious. Interview other employees and potential witness for an account of the employee making the claim. How was the employee behaving? Did he or she exhibit signs of this injury beforehand?
  • Timing: Did your employee’s accident happen right before or after being fired, completing a contract, or going on strike? Be wary.
  • No Witnesses in Site: If there’s no witness to prove that your employee or former employee’s claim on his or her workers compensation forms happened, guess what? It may not have happened!
  • Diagnose the Problem: If the employee refuses a procedure or test to have his or her health issue confirmed, you could have a case of fraud in the workplace.
    Late to the Game: Did the employee make the claim rather late after the incident happened? Hmm…
  • Too Many Changes: Does your former or current employee happen to change jobs and addresses frequently?
  • Suspicious Practitioner: If a doctor ‘s credential looks suspicious or the claim comes from a provider who is known for managing legal claims this could be an indication of a suspicious workers compensation in Canada case!
  • Why? Is there any reason for your employee to make a fraudulent claim? Perhaps he or she is dissatisfied with his or her work? Consider the underlying motives although there may be none visible on the surface.

Dealing with fraud in the workplace is not a pretty matter but it happens and it’s important for you as the employer to know the signs of fraud. Even more so, the fact remains that you as the employer are not capable of finding every piece of information out. If you suspect fraud, you should consider contacting a private investigator. A private investigator firm can conduct a credible and thorough search to determine if there has been foul play involved in your employee’s workers compensation forms and claim. The bottom line is no one can dispute credible evidence!